Bayfair Kids
SUmmer Camps
This summer, Bayfair is partnering with Epic & Onside to provide 6 weeks of all-day camp for children in senior kindergarten up to grade 6. Check out the links below for more information, to register, or to apply for financial assistance.
July 14-18: Multi-Sport Camp
July 21-25: EPIC Camp
July28-Aug 1: Art Camp
Aug 5-8: Multi-Sport Camp
Aug 11-15: Epic Camp
Aug 18-22: Art Camp
Sunday Morning Programs
Nursery (Birth-3 years)
The nursery will be open from 10:15 am till the end of service.
There are also private rooms available in the nursery wing for parents who may need them. These rooms are equipped with live feeds of the service, so you won’t be missing out! Please make use of the guest sign-in sheet to help us maintain our safety policies.
KidZone (Jk-Gr. 1)
Children in Junior and Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 will stay with their parents during the service for the first two songs before being dismissed to head downstairs with their teachers.
The classroom teachers and helpers will meet your child in the foyer right by the registration table.
Kidzworship (Grades 2-5)
Children in grades 2-5 will stay with their parents during the service for the first two songs before being dismissed to head downstairs with their teachers.
The classroom teachers and helpers will meet your child in the foyer right by the registration table.
Check In & Registration
As you come in, please sign in your child at our registration table on the left-hand (West) side of the Welcome Centre. Our registration team makes use of Planning Centre’s Check-Ins app for a quick and easy process.
what we teach
We believe that the Good News of Jesus Christ is at the heart of all Scripture and that our teaching should reflect that. To that end, our teachers employ The Gospel Project Kids curriculum from Lifeway for our lessons and activities. Specifically, we make use of their Older Preschool and Older Kids curriculum resources in KidZone and KidzWorship, respectively.
“what if I come late?”
Our registration team is only on duty until the kids are dismissed from the service. However, our greeters and hall monitors will be glad to help get your child checked in and show you the way to his or her respective classroom.
“how do I find my child after the service?”
It might be a little confusing on your first visit, but with our help you’ll find your child in no time. Our hall monitors and other Bayfair Kids Ministry personnel (those with lanyard name tags) will gladly direct you to your child’s classroom for pick up.
“If there are any problems, how will you reach me?”
If, for any reason, our Kids Ministry personnel need to contact you, they will either text the number you gave the registration team when you checked your child in, or a hall monitor will be sent to relay a message to you.
Reach our Kids Ministry Team at kidsministry@bayfairbaptist.com
Reach Bethany at bbrown@bayfairbaptist.ca